Mystery Blogger Award

Mystery Blogger Award…

Thank you to Lisa at cries from an unkempt garden for the nomination. If you haven’t checked out her blog then you really should! Her writing style is beautiful and immersive, her recent posts have got me right in the feels. I’m always scrolling through the reader to find her posts, her story is truly one of strength and awe. She has made me feel warm and welcome on WP, the effort she puts into her comments and replies is really heart-felt and encouraging. So go have a creep around her site 🙂

Also I would like to make mention of, the creator of this award.

3 things about me;

  1. I can’t spell for shit! I remember, as far back as primary school, always being crap at spelling. I love and loathe autocorrect, obviously it’s point is to correct spelling, but it has made me lazy. For example, the word ‘especially’ (espcially – my attempt) always trips me up. Instead of trying to correctly spell it, I bast letters near enough to the word and let autocorrect, well, correct my spelling. Since I work in a lab and need to write in a lab book, you can imagine the spelling errors. I tend to think I don’t have many insecurities, but this is one or sure, group work makes me nervous incase I need to write in front of someone – the thought of having to write other people’s name is enough to give me hives!
  2. I get through life by using humour to mask a lot of things. General knowledge is a big one I mask – like spelling, I don’t know shit. Dave will ask ‘what is the capital of Australia?’ since he thinks this is an easy question that everyone knows, I will slap on a cheeky grin and reply ‘Berlin’. He will then assume that my face means I know the answer and I’m being playful, he’ll say ‘oh you know its Canberra (I googled it)’ and I say something to the effect of ‘of course I know, I’m so wise’. I’m not wise, I know jack shit about geography.
  3. I live in Glasgow, Scotland – the place that everyone moans about the weather on a daily basis. It doesn’t bother me too much, of course I would like to see the sun at some point during the year, but it doesn’t get me all crazy like it does Dave. He would love to live somewhere warmer, the lack of summer months (haha, summer months?! We get a summer week at best) really bugs him. I’m no so fussed. My whole family live in Glasgow, most of which are just ‘up the road’ (Scottish for anywhere between 1 and 100 miles), I couldn’t move far away from them. Plus my bffer just bought a house ’round the corner’ (Scottish for anywhere between 1 and 60 minute walk). My dream of becoming Rachel Green is getting closer and closer – instead of a coffee-house, my bffer and I would need to hang about in the local chippie (Scottish for chip shop).

The most favourite blog I have written has got to be Peppa Pig – Pass the wine. The whole scenario made me laugh. Dave and I still say ‘mind that time we paid to watch Peppa Pig and wanted to pick our eyes out with a rusty screwdriver to end it all?’. For sure, it will be one of those memories that stick with us forever.

Right, to tttthhhhe questions!


1.Why WordPress why are you here? A million blogging websites why this one?


Late one foggy evening, a wise old owl perched down beside me. It whispered to me ‘go make a blog on WordPress’ – and that is why I am here.

Kiddin. I googled it. After long, neck aching hours of research (10 minutes) I decided WP was the best to go for. I didn’t know there was a million blogging websites. Apparently WP is the best, most user friendly, I don’t know about that. It stresses me out, but then again so does the microwave.

2.What is another hobby you have outside of writing?

I wish I had another hobby 😦 I really struggle to find something I’m drawn to, that grabs my interest. I love video games, however I wouldn’t say it’s a hobby as I don’t give it enough of my time. It’s hard enough finding time to blog with a job and a Jess (who at 8pm instead of sleeping is screaming ‘MUMMMMMMY’ from her cot. She wants to play in the unicorn den we built. This is exactly the reason I don’t have a hobby) never mind have more hobbies. Unless cleaning is a hobby? Or questioning Jess on what she has in her mouth – it’s usually dry cereal she has found somewhere.

3.What would you tell your younger self in benefit of you today?

i would have to say that being petite is great. I hated being small growing up, but now I love it. Kids shoe prices? Yes! Kids clothing? Yes! Having leg room on a plane? Yes! Being able to hide in tiny awesome place like the window ledge? Yes! My fave hiding spot is under the bed pillows, from Dave. One minute I’m there, next minute I’m gone. Watching, waiting, plotting.

4.Do you takes lots of notes or just write on the fly?

I tried to take notes, I can’t plan a post. My mind just doesn’t work like that. I write how I feel at that moment, as raw and honest as I can. Which is why I haven’t been so active recently, I’m finding it hard to find my ‘happy place’ so writing is a chore. I feel like when I think about a post or try to plan, it just doesn’t work our right. As if I’m being fake. So I tend to write on the fly – when I have the time.

5.Who has inspired you most in your writes, outside yourself? Ie; other author, teacher, mentor.

This is a tough one. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I’m going to be honest and say no one inspires me. I go with my own flow. Certainly, I look at other people’s blogs themes, layout, styles and find inspiration for my own site. But I don’t look at their posts and find inspiration for my writing. I write what I want in my own way. However, there are a few bloggers out there that write from the heart, so open and brave. This has encouraged me to share intimate thoughts and emotions, ones that I don’t necessarily share with friends and family.

I really wish I had a great inspiration story, like a favourite author. sadly I don’t, I come on here to bat my gums about nonsense. When I was younger I loved to read, I can’t remember the last time I read something other than waffle cooking instructions, since being a kid. Actually I take that back, I have been reading books with Jess. I highly recommend the Tiger Who Came to Tea.


  1. What made you create a blog? Do you remember the day you began?
  2. Do you create and save blogs that are scheduled to be posted in future?
  3. Do you blog in the nude? If so why? If not why?
  4. What have you gained from blogging?
  5. If there was a film of your life made, what would be the title and why?

My nominees are;


  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award (Okoto Enigma) and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • Nominate roughly 10 – 20 people for this award.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blogs.
  • Ask your nominees five questions

Share a link to your best/favorite post that you’ve written.

13 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award

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  1. Awesome!! Your humor is the best part, and honesty. Thank you for all kind words!! So sweet of you to make such warm mention of me (although I am pretty cool) ha lol. See I knew you were crepper. Mom’s make the best creepers. I wish I could visit Scotland one day, yes indeed one day. Bucket list it maybe we shall see. 20 acres of property where the deer, and moose feed in my backyard is #1 on my bucket list. Where I can moutain bike my own land. Make jump, and crap like that. Love that I picked you for this. So fun to read 😀😜😎✌

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much 😊 you are pretty (and) cool indeed. Scotland is the perfect place for you, we don’t have moose but we have plenty on deers and no shortage of rather large hills to cycle. Plus, with the amount it rains you can tick off water sports just walking to the shop 😂 it was chucking it down yesterday, Jess and I both soaked through. Got in the car and the rain stopped. Bloody typical Scottish weather! 😄

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh yeah 👍 for petite. I shop R.E.I kids section for shoes. Omgeee the cut in price. The only hard part in jeans are so long. I step on them when I walk. I have never minded being petite, except when I find something I really love and it does not come in my size. When I got my fivetens (mountain biking shoes) saved a ton by ordering a boys size 4. They are very pricey. I don’t like pricey. I like practical. I am in want for a pair of overalls. Funny maybe, but cool. Had em’ in HS. Just really want a pair. Tie a flannel around the waist and wear my hiking boots with them. Anyways, I just keep thinking of more to say. I am 5’2″ well an 1/8 shy of the 2″. So…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Snap! I’m in the 5’2″ club also. Iv tried shopping for jeans in the states a few times, it never works out. They are so long, I’m pretty sure they are meant for giraffes. It does bug that some brands, Adidas are the worst, don’t do the shoes I want in my size. The adult shoes stop at a UK size 4, I’m a 3. So most of the time, those beautiful pastel coloured trainers I see advertised are a no go. It’s not all fun and tiny games being petite 😄


      1. I would kill to be small 😂 I’m 5’8 but all my friends are like 5’2 so I’ve spent my life trying to make myself smaller – usually involves standing with my legs so far apart I nearly did the splits 😂 or pushing one hip out so far to the side that I was practically bent over 😂😂. Not so fun!

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      2. Don’t try to give us a sob story missy! I bet you have legs – I have a foot, knee and ass – no legs 😀 All my friends are around 5’2″, so I fit in well. You just need to get taller friends 🙂 x

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      3. 😂😂 yeah I’ve got legs & massive feet 😂😂👎🏻 that’s a very good point, I do need taller friends 😂 x

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  3. Thanks for the nomination mrs 😊👍🏻 I have no laptop as my darling husband broke the screen on mine 😩🙈 so as soon as I’m back in business I will do this 😊 xx

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